Sunday Messages

As we dive further into the biography of Gideon, we find that a massive army has marched right into his backyard. All Gideon has is God's promise to use him…
In part one of his summer series on the historical narrative of Gideon found in the Bible, Pastor David introduces us to Gideon, one of Israel's judges. We catch up…
Pastor Clinton begins his summer series on Galatians. He'll pick the series back up in August so stay tuned!
(Please note, this message was shared outside during our Church in the Park event.) When we understand how people hear the good news about Jesus, that in turn helps us…
With the mercies of God moving on our hearts and motivating us, the apostle Paul urges and appeals to believers to present themselves and their bodies to God as a…
The apostle Paul urges, exhorts, and appeals to believers in Romans 12:1 to do something so important. But before he gets into what that is, he wants to root the…
Worship often gets reduced to simply the songs we sing together as a church on a Sunday morning, but its far more than that. Pastor Ron takes us back to…
Believers know they should be giving, but the question we often puzzle over is how much should we give? Pastor David explores the answer to that by looking at what…
Most of us would love it if God showed up today like He did back when He brought the Israelites out of Egypt and into the Promised land. Back then,…
With it being Mothers Day today, Pastor David walks us through a time in the life of Moses' mom when she faced what must have been one of the most…